Andrew Luck Could Practice This Week, Ruled Out for Sunday


It was reported on Sunday that Andrew Luck will return to practice this week after being sidelined since January due to shoulder surgery. However, head coach Chuck Pagano would only go so far as to say he “might” be able to practice this week, and he’s been ruled out for this week’s game against the Seahawks.

Colts fans woke up to some good news on Sunday when multiple reports came out that Luck was on the verge of returning to the practice field, and he could be playing for Indianapolis within the next couple of weeks.

Chuck Pagano was asked about the status of his franchise quarterback on Monday, and he sounded more optimistic about Luck‘s recovery than he has in the last eight months.

"“Andrew is progressing well, getting stronger,” said Pagano. “There might be a chance — I’ll know more Wednesday — he might be able to start some practice this week.”"

According to George Bremer of The Herald Bulletin, “Pagano added there are no guarantees and the team’s doctors and trainers will have the final say on when Luck ultimately returns to the field.”

Colts fans would be wise to proceed with caution in getting excited about Luck’s possible return because everything that could go wrong has gone wrong in the injury department this season.

However, the thought of Luck playing at all seemed like a long shot just a week ago. ESPN’s Chris Mortensen speculated on Monday Night Countdown that his best guess for Luck’s return would be Week 7 against Jackson

The Colts’ win over the Browns on Sunday saved 2017 from being a lost season as they avoided going 0-3, which would have essentially eliminated them from any sort of playoff contention. If they can pick up a win or two before Luck is expected to return, they could be set for a huge turnaround this season.