Indianapolis Colts: 15 best free agent acquisitions of all-time

Adam Vinatieri, Indianapolis Colts. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)
Adam Vinatieri, Indianapolis Colts. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)
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Jim Harbaugh, Indianapolis Colts
Jim Harbaugh, Indianapolis Colts. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Allsport/Getty Images)

Jim Harbaugh was an unsung hero for the Colts. He came in during the prime of his career to start for a franchise that hadn’t done a lot. They hadn’t played well for most of their time since moving to Indianapolis from Baltimore. Harbaugh changed that.

Harbaugh played four years in Indianapolis, making the Pro Bowl in 1995. During that 1995 season, he led the Colts all the way to the AFC Championship Game. He was actually one Hail Mary dropped in the end zone away from taking the team to the Super Bowl.

None of Harbaugh’s numbers jump off the page, but he was what the Colts needed at that time. The Colts mainly leaned on the running game of Marshall Faulk. But Harbaugh was needed once Faulk left for the Rams in free agency.

Because of what Harbaugh did for the franchise in the mid 1990s, he is in the Colts’ Ring of Honor. Based on his stats, he might be the most undeserving member. But his leadership and his ability to keep the franchise afloat is why his name is up there.

Harbaugh almost made it to the top of the mountain, one game shy of the Super Bowl and winning the first championship for the City of Indianapolis. The next guy on the list knows all about that, as he too came up short of the big game.
