Everyone always thinks about the work that players do in the offseason, but coaches do just as much work. And the Colts’ coaches are no different.
Offseason work is important for every player in the NFL. It gives players time to work on their individual work and skills without having the time crunch of practice or games in the middle of the season. They can just work on what they need to.
Coaches are no different. They watch film and try to figure out what adjustments they need to make going into the next season. They can learn what worked well for them in the previous season and what did not work so well. The Colts’ coaches are doing the same thing.
Frank Reich can use this time for sure. It was his first year as a head coach in 2018, so he learned a lot during the season. But now he can use that time to reflect on how he coached and what he needs to do in order to make the team better. His assistants will do the same thing.
Film study of players will be a big chunk of time used. Not only will that be used for player evaluation, but for play calling evaluation as well. Coaches need to find what plays work well in certain situations and what plays don’t.
Assistants also use the film to help improve the way they coach technique. Better technique means better plays, and better plays mean more wins. That is the ultimate goal of any football team