Thomas J. Russo-USA TODAY Sports
As more information rolls in about the late Sunday night arrest of Indianapolis Colts’ owner Jim Irsay, the situation seems less like some of the intial reports. Although there’s no timetable as to when we will all get the whole story, Irsay’s issues still seem grim. The fact is, that the Colts have a problem.
As the story spread in the early hours of St. Patrick’s day, television, radio, and the internet were set ablaze with comments and criticism. As the story unfolds, every pundit with a television show, and any sports fan with a Twitter or Facebook page will be able to broadcast their opinions on the subject. This sad state of affairs gives anyone who had previous issues with Irsay a big green light to take all the shots they want at the man.
Some initial reports were that Irsay was accused of driving under the influence, but the actual arrest was made for operating a vehicle while intoxicated and possesion of a controlled substance. Irsay reportedly passed a breathalizer test, but was found to have several different perscription medications in his vehicle. The Colts owner was pulled over for driving slowly, stopping in the road, and improper turn signal use. Irsay now faces four felony charges.
Regardless of how this all works out, such a media firestorm around such an important NFL figure will be a hug hurdle for his team. The Colts will no doubt rally around their owner, and even regular sports fans should understand that everyone makes mistakes. Irsay will have his day in court, and will most likely face the wrath of NFL Commisioner, Roger Goodell. For this team and their owner, the media frenzy will be something they will have to deal with on a daily basis, for a long time to come.
Naptown’s Finest will continue to cover this stroy, as events develop. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook – @NaptownsFinest