Drama is Not Worth the Efforts of the Indianapolis Colts


Andrew Weber-USA TODAY Sports

The NFL is a sports business, but sometimes the business becomes more of a sport. When a franchise tries to manage a gaggle of young athletes, it can be a bit of a babysitting job at times. Considering the issues that go on around the NFL on a regular basis, the Indianapolis Colts should do as much as they can to avoid off-the-field issues.

When we look at situations such as the murder cases of former New England Patriots’ tight end Aaron Hernandez, as well as the current assault charges against running back Ray Rice of the Baltimore Ravens, it seems that many NFL players don’t seem to be who we think they are. Just because an athlete is thrust into the spotlight because of their physical prowess, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are productive members of society.

For the most part, the Indianapolis Colts have avoided major off-the-field issues from players recently. The 2013 offseason was littered with minor issues from several Colts players, ranging from drugs to alcohol to weapons charges. The most notorious recent case for the Colts was the surprisingly sorted personal life of Colts ring of honor member, Marvin Harrison. Around the time of his retirement, Harrison was considered as a suspect in several cases, including assault and murder. When things such as these come out about a player, it brings to light the fact that even our heroes have demons.

Truly, a sports star does not have to be a role model. Just because someone has been placed on a pedestal, does not mean that they are a perfect person. As far as the Indianapolis Colts go, they have recently built a solid foundation for a revamped franchise. If Indianapolis wants continued success, then they are better served to follow that path.