Ed Reed Could Help Indianapolis Colts Win Another Super Bowl


Ed Reed, free safety for the World Champion Baltimore Ravens has more ties to the Indianapolis Colts than many might think. Reed’s contract with the Ravens is up, and the Colts may already be looking his way. Indianapolis could definitely use the help, and the future Hall-of-Famer would fit right in.

Reed will become an unrestricted free agent in March, which means any team can make a bid. The nine-time Pro Bowl player will have the chance to stay with the Ravens, go with the highest bidder, or possibly take a chance with a team that is only a few pieces away from making a championship run. The Colts are definitely on the rise, and a defensive presence such as Reed could bring both All-Pro talent and veteran leadership to this young team.

Reed played under Colts head coach Chuck Pagano, both in Baltimore, and in college. Pagano helped scout Reed, and helped to bring him in to the University of Miami in 1997, when Pagano was the defensive backs coach. Pagano and reed won a National  Championship together with the Hurricanes in 2001. From 2008-2011, Pagano and Reed worked together, as coach and player on the Baltimore Ravens’ defensive unit.

If Reed did decide to return to his roots with Pagano, he would also be reuniting with college roommate, Reggie Wayne. Wayne and Reed played together at Miami from 1997-2000. With all of these connections to the current Indianapolis Colts, it seems like Ed Reed might have a lot to consider, when it concerns possibly coming to the Circle City.