Discussing the Indianapolis Colts vs Houston Texans, Part One


This week, the Indianapolis Colts travel to Texas, to re-vamp their division rivaly against Houston Texans, for the first time this season. In the midst of two AFC South battles between these teams in the next three weeks, I got in contact with Antonio Furgiuele, editor of www.torotimes.com. I asked Antonio a few questions about his interest and opinions about this divisional match-up late in the regular season.

Naptown’s Finest – The Texans have an amazing 11-2 record, but they have looked a little less impressive in recent weeks. What would you attribute that to?

Toro Times –  The Texans have had to over come injuries to important players this season, especially at the linebacker position. Brian Cushing is a dominant player and he was lost for the season early. Brooks Reed has had to deal with a groin injury as well as Johnathan Joesph missing time. However, every team is playing hurt at one position or another, so the Texans need to manage with what they have and game plan around their strengths.

NF – Why do you think the Texans aren’t getting more respect around the league, even though they have the best record in the AFC?

TT –  The Texans are not getting much notoriety because of their pedigree. They are the youngest team in the NFL after all. They have also only been to the playoffs once, which was last year. The Atlanta Falcons are also getting this type of treatment but for the reason that they cannot perform once in the playoffs. As we can see now, the Texans are a dominant force in the AFC, and after being on the side lines for so long, they are poised to be a perennial playoff contender. That is if they can continue to draft as well as they have in the future.

Read more about the Texans from Antonio at www.ToroTimes.com, and look for the rest of our discussion at www.NaptownsFinest.com.