Discussing the Indianapolis Colts vs New England Patriots, Part Two


This week, I got in contact with Joe Soriano, the editor of www.musketfire.com, to discuss the week 11 match-up between the Indianapolis Colts and New England Patriots. Listed below is the remainder of my conversation about what Joe may expect to see from this Sunday’s game, and from the Patriots this season.

Naptown’s Finest –  Is it difficult for this franchise to live up to such lofty standards every year? Not just reaching a Super Bowl is good enough, but being expected to win?

Musket Fire–  It is, but nobody expects less than the best of the Patriots. We’re kind of spoiled that way. But the Patriots have delivered as often as any other team over the past ten years, and they could very well do it again if they start to heat up when the playoffs roll around (and stay healthy). The expectation of winning the Super Bowl is the ultimate goal and second-highest aspiration of the Pats (and most teams’s) fan base, so it’s obviously difficult to succeed in that goal year-in and year-out.

NF –  How does it feels to not only have the Colts/Pats rivalry renewed, but to have an old rival playing with the Denver Broncos?

MF – It feels awesome, because it means that there is more great, intense football to be played. Facing Peyton Manning is always fun, and it’s going to be interesting to watch Andrew Luck and Tom Brady go at it. I have the utmost respect for Luck’s ability as a quarterback, and I think he’s been the sixth best quarterback in the league this year. I mean, what he has been doing in leading this offense has been insane.

NF – What are your expectations for the Patriots for the remainder of this season?

MF –  The Patriots will start to get even better as the season wears on, and I expect an 11-5 finish from the Pats and a comfortable place atop the AFC East.

I’d like to thank Joe Soriano for his input and assistance. You can check out more of Joe’s work at www.musketfire.com, and can read the first part of our discussion,”Five Questions About the Indianapolis Colts and New England Patriots, Part One”.