Questions About the Jacksonville Jaguars vs Indianapolis Colts, Part Two


The Jacksonville Jaguars (0-2) travel to Lucas Oil Stadium on Sunday for a week three battle against the Indianapolis Colts (1-1). Below is the second-half of a discussion I conducted with Mr. Sims, editor of, our Jaguars website.

Naptown’s Finest – Head coach Mike Mularkey begins his first season in Jacksonville 0-2. What’s the feeling about the hire and start of the new coach?

Black and Teal –  Mike Mularkey was kind of a dull pick for head coach, but in a good way.  The Jaguars are moving away from a bravado (hot air?) type head coach in Jack Del Rio to a much more calculated and calm presence in Mularkey.  Mularkey brings in a proven track record of success on the offensive side of the ball and has had a lackluster experience as a head coach that he has learned from.  Mularkey has made it obvious that he has learned some of his limitations and has surrounded himself with top-level talent to ensure that the team benefits the most from his skills and that others can fill in where he is not as strong footed.  I think there is a positive feeling about Mularkey and his staff, even with the two losses thus far.  He has yet to score below 90% in our approval polls on Black and Teal so the fans are willing to stick behind him for a bit more at least.

NF – What is the single-biggest concern for the Jags right now?

BT –  Getting healthy is the biggest concern for the Jaguars right now.  The game plan has been given and is understood by everyone, it’s just about getting the talent back on the field.  This season the Jaguars have learned that they are not very deep and that is a problem.  The sooner key contributors like CB Derek Cox, LB Daryl Smith, LG Eben Britton, RT Cameron Bradfield, and RB Rashad Jennings can get back on the field the better.

 The rivalry between these two teams is now rebuilt and reloaded. Expect to see more questions, comments, and concerns from myself and Mr. Sims in the future, as the Colts and Jaguars move into a new era for their franchises. Make sure to check out part one of our discussion over this divisional battle.