It felt like we’d been waiting for months. Maybe that’s because we had been. But when Draft Day 2012 arrived, the first round of the 2012 NFL draft came and went in the blink of an eye, and everything that we had been anticipating would happen was put into fruition.
Andrew Luck, former Stanford quarterback, has officially joined the Indianapolis Colts after being selected with the first over all pick. Luck shook NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s hand, gave him a hug, held up his draft day jersey, and it was so. Although Colts GM Ryan Grigson informed the public earlier in the week that Luck would indeed be their selection, eliminating any remaining element of surprise, #ColtsNation still erupted when Luck’s name was called.
Read on in this week’s #HorseBytes for the best of the Draft Day comments and the Andrew Luck reaction:
While players, fans, and the media rang out their praises, the Colts wasted no time in getting Luck’s new Colts jersey out on the market.
How much money will Andrew Luck make? Will there be a holdout for a large contract? Most likely not. With the newly implemented rookie wage scale, teams do not have to take so much of a financial risk in signing draftees. NFL Insider Adam Schefter has the perfect example:
So, get to know your new quarterback! I highly suggest reading this short article by the Indianapolis Star. For instance, did you know that when Luck went out for his middle school football team, his coaches put him at defensive end? ‘Luck’-ily, it didn’t take those coaches long to recognize the error of their ways. Read on and learn more here.
The fun continues when rounds 2-7 take place over the next couple of days. Are you ready? The Colts will add more young, exciting players to their roster with their nine remaining picks, but it will be hard to top yesterday’s addition.
And if you’re wondering who picked up that BMW…
We ourselves might not have been individual winners last night, but the Colts certainly were, and let’s hope they are again in the 2012 regular season!
Until next week, #HorseBytes is signing off. Happy tweeting, #ColtsNation!