#WhenIWasALittleKid … The Colts Were Really Bad


So there’s this fun little back-and-forth happening on Twitter lately, wherein participants make pithy remarks about what was happening when they were little kids (hence the hashtag: #WhenIWasALittleKid).    I thought it might be a (small) hoot to put together a quick Colts version of this list, from  my perspective.    A disclaimer: when I was REALLY a little kid, there were not Indianapolis Colts, but I’ll take  some liberties and define little as “under 20 years old.”   Here goes …

#WhenIWasALittleKid …

  • … Mike Pagel was our quarterback.
  • … we all wished that Curtis Dickey could return to form.
  • … Eric Dickerson was the man (and an ass).
  • … Ted Marchibroda was beloved.
  • … Peyton Manning really was a little kid.
  • … the Hoosier Dome was more than good enough for the NFL.
  • … “Naptown” aptly described our city.
  • … Reggie Miller was a pup about to take over Indianapolis.
  • … nobody really knew what to do with the Colts, but they were ours, gosh darn it.
  • … Jim Irsay was a lackey at the heels of his dad, Robert;  Jim had some, um, problems.
  • … the Colts were just terrible.

Some things never change.