Bob Kravitz of the Indianapolis Star Bob Kravitz of the Indianapolis Star

Peyton Manning Not Thrilled With Colts Situation


Peyton Manning spoke at length recently with Bob Kravitz of the Indianapolis Star, and the Indianapolis Colts’ injured quarterback sounds unhappy, uncertain, and under the weather.   Specifically, Manning said that he’s having a hard time healing, and that he is not really thrilled with all of the changes that have occurred on and around the team in the weeks since their disappointing 2011 season ended.    The situation will probably not improve much for Number 18 anytime soon, what with a new coach scheduled to be brought on board any day now.

Manning also said that he has no idea what the future holds for him in terms of his place with the Colts beyond this winter.  He did drop something of a bombshell, though, when he said that owner Jim Irsay, and not new general manager Ryan Grigson, would decide whether Manning stays or goes.   That’s not really surprising, but it does seem to be another piece of evidence in the growing case that Irsay is becoming a very hands-on owner.   If Irsay continues to make all of the big decisions, we may have to start wondering how much of the lack of roster depth displayed recently was really Bill (and Chris) Polian’s doing, and how much came from a higher power.

It’s a point to ponder while we wait for Jim Tressel to make his way down from his consultant’s seat.