David Garrard Released by Jaguars; Colts Fans Panic


Quarterback David Garrard was released by the Jacksonville Jaguars this afternoon, clearing the way for Luke McCown under center.  Garrard has seemingly been on his way out of town multiple times in recent years, but the timing of this move is surprising, coming as it does just days before the NFL regular season starts.   What really astounds me, though, are the Colts fans on Twitter and other outlets who either think that the Colts would have been better off to sign Garrard instead of Kerry Collins or who STILL want the Colts to sign Garrard.   This is the same Garrard that the Colts have tormented twice a year during the last nine seasons; the same guy that Colts fans deride every time the teams meet.    So, what do you think?  Would Garrard have been a better stand-in for the injured Peyton Manning than Kerry Collins?