Camping With The Colts, Day 3


Day Three of Colts practices at Anderson University is in the books for 2011, and we’re back to run down what happened yesterday in the heat.   Compared to the excitement we had during the previous two days, when the Colts actually signed some free agents, Wednesday was pretty milquetoast, with one notable exception.    Here are the quick hits:

  • Tommie Harris officially signed as a free agent.  After listening to Bears fans call in to  local radio shows, Colts supporters everywhere immediately began back-pedaling on their expectations for Harris.
  • Ryan Diem told the press that he’s happy to be back, but that 2011 may not be his last year.
  • Morning storms broke up the heat and gave the Colts a bit of relief.
  • The Colts held their first “padded” workout, last night, and thousands of football-starved fans showed up to watch.  Go Colts!
  • Curtis Painter looked decent until the last series, when he threw an INT and lost track of the clock.

And that was pretty much it.   See, uneventful.  Oh, wait … there was one more little item.