MINNESOTA — What Brett Favre did was just filthy. Disgusting. Unlogical. Unthinkable. Just plain stupid.
The Minnesota Vikings’ quarterback was caught for his sexting to Jenn Sterger when he was with the New York Jets two seasons ago. Favre made him look like a filthy, sex-obsessed pig. His image could be ruined and completely tainted.
When we heard of pro golfer, Tiger Woods, and his sex news, it was all quiet and pretty small to begin with. But it grew and grew, and now the news is everywhere in just a matter of weeks, or days.
It completely takes away the story of Randy Moss being traded this week to Favre’s team, along with tonight being the top-notch Monday Night Showdown when the Vikes take on the New York Jets.
But what Favre did was different from Woods. He told the truth right from the start and apologized in a truthful manner. In fact, he came out in tears. Also, unlike Woods, Favre will keep this behind him.
“My main focus is the New York Jets, they are a tough team; as good as they are that has been my focus,” Favre told ESPN. “I hate in any way if this has been a distraction as I said Thursday — we are here focused on trying to beat the Jets.”
However, I can’t fully compare the Woods moment to Favre’s, since it’s totally different. But Favre needs to watch out, as he should know what is to come.
Very big ones indeed. No, huge.
The NFL is still looking into the issue.
“We are going through that and we are making sure we understand all the facts,” Goodell said at halftime of Sunday’s Chargers-Raiders game.
Favre said he wants everything to take it’s course. I don’t think so. Favre needs to act, and quickly. He’s been married to his wife, Deanna, for a long time and is just going to ruin a relationship, even at this kind of time when he’s been married to her for about 15 years! It gets worse since the 41-year-old is going to be a grandpa soon.
Favre could really ruin a lot of things now after all of this.
He also ruins the Jets’ image, as New York was accused for making sex remarks to Mexican sports reporter, Ines Sainz.
Favre is going to need to focus. He needs to touch back to his family.
Today, he has one goal, and that is to win a football game and help the Vikings move up to 2-2. Moss is here now. Favre now has his deep threat, finally. It makes his supporting cast even better with Visante Shiancoe, Percy Harvin, and of course, Adrian Peterson, already over there.
Favre has apologized to his teammates in tears already.
He is obviously going to do something far more emotional and better to his family. Unlike Woods, I forgive Favre. It’s going to take a bit for me to forgive Woods, but I am almost there.
It’s kind of crazy to see something like this in the world of sports. It’s uncommon seeing sex freaks and guys like these when there are young kids every where looking up to them and making them their role models. It’s sad, really. Favre is now with a new bunch of people that have let a lot of people, mostly the young crowd, down.
Ben Roethlisberger is another recent person to do this, as he is also in the NFL. He’ll be playing this Sunday. Let’s see what he has in him. Let’s see if he can put this behind him.
Same with Favre.
But again, he needs to look out for the consequences.
Wish all the best to you Favre.
Come out and show yourself today. Play hard. Win the game for your team. Make up for letting them down. However, that won’t be nothing to your family.
You need to do something else for that, sadly.