Change in the Air?


The Colts have continued making some moves this off-season and at least one of them has to make you wonder if their may be change in the air in Indy.

Change has already been in the air defensively. DB Marlin Jackson was let go; he already has found a new home in Philadelphia. Raheem Brockis not expected to be back with the team next season, but his future is still up in the air. Luckily, Irsay was smart enough to at least hold onto the defensive leader of the team in Gary Brackett.

Everybody’s favorite backup QB Jim Sorgibecame unemployed last week. That can’ come as too much of a surprise. When he did play he was barely an effective place holder for Manning. However, in his defense, when you play behind a guy like Peyton Manning you don’t get many opportunities to work on your game either. It would be nice to see the guy catch on and do well somewhere- good luck, Jim.

He was not unemployed for long though as he is now set to back up Peyton’s little brother in New York.

The move that could come as  a sign that change may be in the air is the release of starting offensive guard Ryan Lilja. claimed off of waiver in ’04, Lilja has been a mainstay on the line having started 67 games in his time with the team.

According to his agent the team has expressed a desire to go bigger. That can only mean one thing- they must finally be getting serious about developing a running game. What will be interesting is how well a new, larger offensive line will be able to protect Peyton. Passing has been the team’s bread and butter, but the lack of an effective running game has kept the Colts from becoming the latest, greatest dynasty.

What the Colts will have to watch out for is losing that bread and butter in their effort to get a running attack. Good run blocking lines are generally not as strong at pass blocking. Now that we know Peyton is not made of steel, the need for protecting him will be vital to the team’s continued success. Perhaps that is also why Sorgi no longer has a job with the Colts; the team wants a backup that can take over if necessary.

As the draft approaches and free agency continnues it will be interesting to see what move the Colts will make next.