Think what you will about the tests that players endure at the NFL combine and their value to actually figuring out who can make it in the NFL, but having it here in Indianapolis has to be slightly beneficial to the Colts. I don’t know how, but I’m sure it must be.
I am sure that every team has a full slate of scouts and coaches in attendance ready to poke and prod as players see how fast they can cover 40 yards, how many times they can press 225 pounds, how high they can jump, how far they can jump, and a quickness test (3 cone drill). If there are any rules as to how many representatives each team can have it would not be surprise me (but it is also something I do not know).
For now the players will get treated like large slabs of meat as they get the once over by a group of medical professionals it doesn’t pay to give a few million to someone that may already be broken. A slate of intelligence and personality questions will be asked. I imagine the whole scene will look a lot like the part in Armageddon where all of Bruce Willis’s crew is getting a psychiatric evaluation. When it comes to increasing your chances at a big pay day in the NFL I am sure that these players would be willing to put themselves through it all again if it would mean playing on Sunday.
Workouts will not begin till Saturday with the offensive line going first.