For Colt fans there is no better way to put it than simply THAT SUCKS.
For what initially looked like a dream season in the making has now ended in being second best, the first loser for the 2009-2010 football season. However, with the loss to the New Orleans Saints tonight, the talking heads have been given a whole slew of things to talk about, analyze, and debate for the near future and into next season.
Did Jim Caldwell have the team prepared? They were competitive and the Saints are a good team. For the Saints to win does not meant that the Colts had to have screwed up. There were a few drops from the receivers during the game, something that is very uncharacteristic of a Peyton Manning led offense. With the exception of the first quarter, the offense never seemed to really get it going. Give the Saints credit for making adjustments, but then where were the Colt adjustments?
What will the Colts do to get back next year? The running game was not bad tonight, but if they had more of a running threat would the receivers see some easier coverage? Is it because Joseph Addai can’t get it done or does the offense try to cater to their superstar too much?
Where the colts really this good to begin with? I will be the first to say that a team is not jut as good as their record and it’s the way they win that counts. That includes capitalizing off of their opponent’s mistakes as well as overcoming adversity and pulling out the win in the end after being behind. The Colts and Peyton Manning were absolute champions at that this season having 7 fourth quarter/ late game winning drives. Peyton engineered those wins, but his interceptions this season also created the need for some of them as well.
That in turn raises other questions. Where they his fault or can the blame be shifted/ shared with the young receivers he was stuck with? Was it predictable play calling or lack of sufficient coaching for Peyton as well as the receivers? Did no one worry about it thinking that it was no big deal because Peyton can pull it out of his behind in the end?
Now, I am fan though I am sure some of you might be doubting that now. However, when you look at the performance of the team with an objective eye you have to see some of the holes that the team has. The questions will be raised: Is Jim Irsay content with having a really good winning team or does he want to have one of the best? Will there be any changes made?
What ever the questions might be, there are a couple things for certain: this is going to sting for the Indianpolis Colts and their followeres for a while and that THIS SUCKS.