Former Colt Jeff George is more for some of his antics on and off the field more than how he played the game. With his life on the field long behond him, perhaps it is time the Indianapolis native is known for his warmer side.
Like many people around the world, a member of Jeff’s family is a victim of breast cancer, his mother Judy. he was diagnosed with the disease almost 7 1/2 years ago in July 2002. Recently, however, her condition has taken a turn for the worse. Now the people at Clarian West in Avon, Indiana, are getting plenty of time to be around the famous quarterback and the rest of his family as they spend time with Mom.
The former hometown star from Warren Central returned to his roots as the #1 pick for the Colts back in 1990, definitely looking to be the next greatest thing to hit football since sliced bread. Still known for having one of the strongest arms in the NFL, he is also known for having one of the most promising careers that never materialized.
His time in Indianapolis was short. After just four years the young George was being sent down to Atlanta. Seems the hometown fans do not like when you make lewd gestures towards them and say mean things. It also does not tend to endear you to the fans or your teammates and coaches when you go through long holdouts either.
Regardless of what he did on the field he is doing right off the field now. Although the confidant quarterback still thinks highly of his own skills his contribution to the game has been more in training the QBs of the future (high school quarterbacks. His foundation, the Jeff George Foundation, has become quite a player in the fight against breast cancer.
Like many athletes, George started a foundation shortly after his career got started (tax write off…). Through the years he has worked to aid the communities in which he has played ball (which there are many) through his foundation. When his Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer he change the focus of his foundation to primarily work towards helping those diagnosed with cancer as well as assisting in the fight to educate the community and find a cure. Last year he helped raise over $80,000.
This guy might not have been the brightest professional player in the game. What ever you thought of him, you have to respect the guy that is using his celebrity to do something of value now. The cynic in some of us might think it is only because something is hitting close to home, but so what? The important thing is, Jeff George the citizen is doing what he can to fight a terrible disease and help people that he has never met and probably never will. If that does not deserve respect than I don’t know what does.
For more on his work and the foundation visit the Jeff George Foundation.
Jeff and his Mom, Judy.