It’s Official, Two Long Time Colts Coaches Retire


After many rumors, long time Indianapolis Colts offensive coordinator Tom Moore and offensive line coach Howard Mudd have officially retired. In short, the retirements were a result of changes to the NFL’s pension plan.

Moore and Mudd each had over 30 years coaching experience and both had long tenures with Indianapolis. Both contributed greatly to the teams success over the last 10 years and were key components to the teams winning formula.

Moore was a master of working hand in hand with Peyton Manning to run the offense and Mudd was the genius behind keeping Manning one the league’s most protected passers.

They are truly coaching legends and their success in Indy is unparalleled. To say that they will be missed, in both Indianapolis and around the entire league, is the absolute understatement of understatements.

The Indy Star has the story up here . And ofcourse Stampede Blue has a great write up as well. More on this news and the coaches immeasurable impact later.