Vanderjagt Is Back In Football


A little more than two years after he shanked away a chance at the Super Bowl for the Colts and just one season after being cut by the Cowboys, Mike Vanderjagt is back in football, this time up north.

Mike Vanderjagt has signed with the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League.  Vanderjagt started his career in the CFL, one season with the Saskatchewan Roughriders and two with the Argos.  He also played in the Arena Football League prior to playing for the Colts.

Vanderjagt was not popular here in Indy.  He insulted Tony Dungy and Peyton Manning, something you cannot do if you want to be accepted by the city.  It didn’t help that he was horrible in the clutch and blew a chance at the Super Bowl in the 2006 season.

Personally, I am not a fan of Vanderjagt.  I commonly refer to him as “Vandershank” or “Dr. Shankenstein”.  However, he is definitely a Hall of Famer.  Statistically, he is the most accurate kicker in NFL history.  I’m glad to see that he is back in the CFL, a league where kicking is more valued than in America because of singles.

Our liquored-up, idiot kicker is back in football.  Hopefully the Argos won’t need him in the clutch.