Replacement Booger


Okay, Booger McFarland is out due to a torn patela tendon, or something like that – he muffed up his knee pretty severely, how’s that? We love Booger but it’s just not in the cards this season, it seems. So, let’s all just say it out loud: Booger is out for the 2007 season. Alright, it’s out of the way. Let’s all just deal with it and look forward to a great Colts season.

Now, Bill Polian has said a couple of times already that they will first be looking inside the squad for a replacement at Defensive Tackle (Raheem Brock being the other DT). They aren’t searching outside the franchise quite yet, and I have to agree with this decision. McFarland was a great pickup from Tampa Bay when we needed him most, but I think we have some talent that needs an honest look before we open our doors. Really, what else is preseason for than to work out the kinks and fill in the gaps?

Pitcock (R-Ohio State) and Dawson (R-Texas Tech) are good looks, but what about Ed Johnson, the undrafted free agent rookie out of Penn State? Who the &%$# is Ed Johnson, right? Yeah, that’s what I said too, but last night against the ‘Boys he put up two sacks in his debut. Impressive.

Regardless of who gets into that defensive line, it is crucial that the Colts fill those gaps and shutdown the run – something the Colts simply were not doing until post-season last year. They just lost Corey Simon and Booger McFarland both, not to mention key defensive players in the offseason. Whoever fills it in, has got to step up to the Super Bowl Champion-plate. It’s crunch time from Game 1!